I was raised in the midwest around people that enjoyed hunting and eating meat on a regular basis. I learned quickly that this was just a part of the midwest culture. Although, this was the way I grew up I still always felt guilty for eating animals and couldn’t help but feel bad for the animals that were being killed. I knew at the time that I wanted to stop eating meat but was told, “Marissa that is so unhealthy”. “You are not going to get enough protein not eating meat”.
It wasn’t until I graduated from college that I realized that I was being told so many stereotypes and not real facts. So I finally made the decision to educate myself and begin eating a plant based diet. I couldn’t believe after only a couple weeks of only eating plants I immediately felt a difference with my body. One of the many changes I noticed was the extra energy throughout my daily life, especially when it came to teaching. From having more energy physically to taking a stance on animal cruelty, choosing a plant based diet was an easy one.
8 Recipes by Marissa