Vegan Mentors


Hi, I’m Melissa, and I’ve been living a vibrant, vegan lifestyle for the past decade. I’ve been a fitness instructor, peaceful protestor for the animals and now a qualified Sports Nutrition advisor and Health and Wellness coach.

Growing up with Dutch parents, I spent my childhood surrounded by fresh eggs from our backyard chickens and goat’s milk from our pet goat. While I never cared for the taste of meat and was a picky eater, I loved dairy—especially cheese! Despite my dairy enthusiasm, I had a dairy intolerance and suffered from a constant runny nose throughout my childhood, even after my mother switched me to goat’s milk.

As I pursued a career in fitness, teaching up to 20 group classes a week—ranging from Boxing and Cycle to Body Pump, Yoga, and Pilates—I knew that maintaining my energy levels was crucial. Nutrition became a key focus of mine.

In 2014, I came across a vegan Ad campaign called “Make it Happen,” which highlighted the horrors of factory farming through the story of a little flying pig who dreamt of freedom. This Ad deeply resonated with me, and I began researching alternatives to factory farming, trying to be an ethical omnivore. However, after learning more, I realised that going vegan would be a better choice than trying to source “ethical” meat. My biggest question was: “Can I maintain my fitness on a vegan diet?”

I dove into vegan documentaries on YouTube like Forks Over Knives, Vegucated, Food Inc., Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, and The Best Speech You Will Ever Hear by Gary Yourofsky. But it was Earthlings that truly opened my eyes and cemented my decision to never consume meat, eggs, or dairy again.

I also immersed myself in plant-based nutrition by reading books that would help me thrive as a fitness instructor, including Thrive, The Engine 2 Diet, The Kind Diet, The Starch Solution, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows, and The China Study. These resources helped me plan a diet that would fuel me as an athlete.

I went vegan cold turkey (or, more accurately, cold tofu!) and never looked back. Sure, there were slip-ups—like accidentally eating packaged food containing whey—but they were never intentional. To connect with like-minded individuals, I joined vegan meetup groups, began organising gatherings, and became an admin for several local vegan Facebook communities.

Once I went vegan, I was thrilled to find that my allergies disappeared—no more runny nose! My fingernails became stronger, and my hair healthier. I was happy to see that a plant-based diet worked so well for me, even with my O+ blood type! I was also able to maintain optimal energy levels while teaching all my group fitness classes, without experiencing burnout.

Over time, my passion for veganism grew beyond fitness. I participated in peaceful protests, volunteered at animal sanctuaries, and even travelled across the world to attend a plant-based cruise in the Caribbean, where I met some of my favourite vegan doctors like Michael Greger, T. Colin Campbell, and vegan athlete Robert Cheeke.

Though my initial motivation was for the animals, I became increasingly interested in vegan nutrition. As a fitness instructor, I saw the value in complementing my work with nutrition expertise. In 2020, I earned my Certificate 4 in Nutrition (Sports Nutrition Advisor/Health & Wellness Coach) and have since been encouraging clients to adopt a plant-strong diet. With the right knowledge, I truly believe anyone can thrive on a vegan lifestyle.

Now, I travel the world with my vegan partner, house- and pet-sitting across Europe, the UK, New Zealand, and Australia. This lifestyle has allowed me to become a mentor for the 30-Day Vegan Easy Challenge, where I’m passionate about helping others transition smoothly into a vegan diet and embrace this fulfilling lifestyle.

Feel free to reach out with any questions, and thank you for joining the 30-Day Vegan Easy Challenge!


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