Hello! I’m Ellie, a 20-something-year-old on a mission to cook, bake, and eat all the plants, while inspiring others to do the same. ? I’m a passionate foodie and food photographer, and I love getting my hands dirty in the kitchen. (I do not, however, love washing the mountain of dishes I always end up with.)
I’m a strong believer that food can be your medicine but it can also be your poison. While I consume a 98% plant-based diet, I do not preach a plant-based diet to every human I interact with because I know that every individual’s health is different, and what works for me will not necessarily work for someone else. That being said, I do advocate for eating more plants and less meat, and in general just doing whatever small or large act that we can to better the health of ourselves, the environment, and the animals that inhabit this wonderful earth.
7 Recipes by Ellie