Even though you may not need to guide them through the non-vegan world as much anymore, it is still very important to provide your child with a range of healthy, nutritious and easy choices for breakfast and school lunches. When their diet is exciting for them, they are less likely to lose interest or be dissuaded away from veganism by their peers.
Keep an on eye on your teenager to see that they are eating, eating enough, and eating a variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and legumes. Make sure all of these options are readily available at home. Consider teaching them how to cook a few easy meals so they are capable of providing good food for themselves as they grow older.
At school canteens, encourage your teen to ask about what vegan products they stock. Alternatively, you can call or write to the school yourself, suggesting vegan options if they have none. This way if all the kids are getting treats at the canteen, your child knows they can join in too.
When your child has an educated understanding about veganism, and those reasons are something that resonates with them, they are more likely to find vegan easier and encourage their peers. Just as it is your responsibility to ensure that they are healthy, you must also provide them with the facts and information that underpins a vegan lifestyle.
Depending on their age, you may let them watch documentaries, listen to public lectures, or read books with them. We suggest documentaries like Cowspiracy as it outlines very important, prevalent issues facing us and upcoming generations. It may also help them to find a vegan role model to inspire them.
Lastly, let your teens connect with other vegans through vegan teen-only support groups on social media platforms. As parents, we cannot always provide the kind of understanding our children want or need from us, and so it’s important to let them know they can connect and find support from others elsewhere.
At the end of the day, your children will pursue their own interests and invest their time where they see fit. All you can do is arm them with the facts and trust that they will continue to love and cherish veganism as the healthy and compassionate lifestyle that it is.
One of the challenges we face when transitioning to living as a vegan is navigating the relationships with those we hold close. Unfortunately just because our family loves us, doesn’t necessarily mean that they are going to make the same connections that we have made between the food we eat and the animals that we care about. Sadly, they may never become vegans themselves.
There are a few important things you can do to help your vegan child begin their kindergarten or primary school years stress free.
Speak to children about veganism and animal rights with the view that their perspective will be to become empowered to create positive change.
Don’t panic.
Are you looking to include kinder choices in your children's lunchboxes, but unsure how to make it work for school? Need some tips and tricks to get you started? We have the solution, and it’s exciting, healthy and quick (no lies!).
Food ideas for planning a fun and delicious vegan birthday party for your kids.
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