January 2024 Vegan Easy Challenge Recap

Published 14 March 2024

People from around the world began their 2024 with a peaceful start by taking the 30-day Vegan Easy Challenge.

Once we understand that peace begins with us, it’s a no brainer that going vegan is one of the first steps to take. Connecting with our compassionate nature and knowing we are not intentionally harming animals brings us peace of mind. Being kind helps us live in harmony with ourselves, our surrounds and others we share the planet with – it’s the way to start extending peace beyond our own lives.

above: 41% of Challengers were from Australia, 36% from the United States, 6% from Canada, we also had sign-ups from New Zealand, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Sweden, Mexico, Singapore, Costa Rica and more.

Hundreds of people from across Australia and around the globe agreed and decided to give vegan a go in January via our 30-day challenge.

Netflix’s four-part documentary series, ‘You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment‘, released at the start of the year, also played a role in helping many individuals discover and sign up for the 30 Day Vegan Easy Challenge.

Feedback from January Challengers

People starting their vegan journeys in January had this to say about their 30-day experience:

“I would recommend the challenge to those on the fence. The daily emails are helpful and contain so much information and the recipes are simple and yummy.”– Janette C VIC, Australia
“I really enjoyed the vegan 30-day challenge. I love that the choice you make for food can help the environment, save animals, and help humans as well.” – Laurie E United States
“Me and my family are convertees to the plant-based diet.  Very glad I completed the 30 days, it has given me focus and a base for the future. We are never too old to adopt new ways, I am 76 years old, so thank you.” – Sandra B QLD, Australia
“I was initially nervous about a plant-based diet and very skeptical as to whether I could maintain it because in my mind I was thinking there would be excessive amounts of prep.  However, this was not the case.  The food was simple to prepare and delicious.  The added benefit is that the pigs, cows, chooks and lambs won’t be harmed by me.  I have already recommended the challenge to heaps of other people.  Thank you for a life changing experience.” – Vanessa K QLD, Australia
“I found that by being in the 30-day challenge I was able to stick to a healthy vegan diet. Feeling more energetic and healthy.” – Sarmite U WA, Australia
“Well, the beginning was challenging for sure! I didn’t have ingredients to cook tasty vegan food, and I had ZERO knowledge about cooking vegan food either! Luckily, the emails are so complete and even come with a daily menu, so I could get the ingredients in advance and start preparing. At the end of it I was feeling physically better, and my heart feels at peace. I finished my challenge and of course I stayed on this path. I still use the recipes you sent me, and I even cook my original ones :)” – Paola F NSW, Australia
“It was a good challenge and a good reminder. Now I see where I need to work on, and this challenge gave me recipe ideas.” – Heidi H, United States

End of Challenge Winners

We’re grateful to +MVT Racing (now ETHiX Racing) and Veganism.Social for kindly donating two gift cards valued at $100USD (approx. $150AUD) each, and redeemable at an online vegan store.

CONGRATULATIONS to the following two, end-of-Challenge prize winners who successfully completed the 30 vegan days!

Prize Winner: Louise from NT, Australia who won the $150AUD gift card redeemable at Five Vegans

Prize Winner: Shalanda from the United States who won the $100USD gift card redeemable at PlantX

Louise was an omnivore before starting the Vegan Easy Challenge and sent us the following feedback:

“Absolutely blown away by how much I have learnt and I cannot believe it has been a month.  I have really enjoyed the past month and I feel amazing. I really thought I would have trouble removing cheese from my diet but it has been a breeze. I’m not missing any of it! Thank you for the emails and support!” – Louise

Shalanda too was an omnivore before the Challenge and now is a new vegan. She found the daily emails helpful throughout the 30 days, saying:

“The challenge encouraged me to meal prep more consistently, but without the meat. I looked more at where I was getting my nutrients and the daily emails provided the knowledge, resources, and help I needed to stay on track with my healthy eating.” – Shalanda

Well done to the winners and all the January Challengers! We are grateful to you for helping create a more peaceful and kinder world.

January Challenge in Figures

Reasons for signing to do the Challenge

  • 22% for animal rights
  • 58% health and fitness
  • 10% the environment
  • 10% specified other reasons.


Gender of participants

  • 79% of Challengers identified as female
  • 20% male
  • 1% preferred not to reveal their gender


Diet before the Challenge

  • 63% omnivores
  • 13% vegetarian (eggs included)
  • 5% vegan
  • 6% pescatarian
  • 6% new vegans (less than 12 weeks)
  • 4% other (most included meat)
  • 3% lacto-vegetarian (no eggs)


Out of the participants who submitted the end of Challenge survey

  • 77% successfully completed the 30-day Challenge
  • 60% said they would remain vegan
  • some said they will continue moving towards a vegan lifestyle at their own pace
  • others are now more open to implementing a kinder way of living


The free Vegan Easy Challenge is available all year round. If you’d like to give vegan a go, sign up here:

Take the Challenge


The January 2024 Vegan Easy Challenge was brought to you by:

With special thanks to:


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