Our ever expanding Recipes Page already has hundreds of mouth-watering dishes for you to try, but enough is never enough! Your grandma’s vegan recipe, handed down from generation to generation could be just the thing someone else has been looking for.
Please have a quick read through our simple guidelines, then click the “Suggest a Recipe” button below.
As you’d imagine, all ingredients must be completely vegan: no animal products whatsoever, no meat, dairy, eggs, fish, honey etc. Just 100% plant-based all the way!
If you already have professional looking photos of your recipe, please tick the appropriate box in the form and we will email you so you can attach them in your reply. Only high quality, high resolution images will be usable.
Please note that due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we can’t guarantee your submission will be accepted. It’s a lot of work to cook a recipe and professionally photograph it, so your recipe won’t be listed right away. Also if your recipe is too similar to a listing on our Recipe page then it’s unlikely to be accepted.
By submitting this form you agree to us posting your recipe on the veganeasy.org website and Vegan Easy social media pages, including Instagram and Facebook. You will be credited using your website or social media information, please advise us if you would like to submit the recipe anonymously.