The Eating Out Guide is a collection of Australian Restaurants, Cafes and Food Vans that sell vegan food. We need your help to grow this free resource by filling out our form to suggest a business you think is missing from the Guide.
Please have a quick read through our simple guidelines, then click the “Suggest an Eating Out entry” button below.
Businesses must be entirely vegan or vegetarian with vegan options – please do not suggest businesses that serve meat on their premises.
We are currently only accepting Australian business entries.
If you have a logo or photos of the business, please tick the appropriate box in the form and we will email you so you can attach them in your reply. Please send us your best quality images only. We may display your images on our website, Facebook page or other social media.
Please note that we can’t guarantee your submission will be accepted or listed right away. Please be sure to check that the business is not already listed on our Eating Out Guide page.
Your name and email address are confidential – we will use them only to avoid spam.