We’ve asked the Prime Minister to go vegan at COP26. Will he do it?

Published 28 October 2021

Vegan Easy has teamed up with Vegan Australia to send an invitation to Prime Minister Scott Morrison urging him to take up a 30-day vegan challenge for the COP26 climate summit this November.

Scott Morrison eating an animal-based sausage at event credit: SBS News

If the Prime Minister accepts the invitation, he will save approximately 272 kilograms of CO2 plus 124,917 litres of water, 543 kilograms of grain, 84 square metres of forest and the lives of 30 animals!
With Australian meat consumption down by 5.5% in the last two years and a further decrease forecast for 2022, now is a great time learn more about veganism and how it can lower your eco-footprint. Sign up for the Vegan Easy Challenge!

You can help – Show the PM that it’s easy and delicious to try vegan by sending him your favourite vegan recipe:

Contact the PM


Invitation to the Prime Minister

From: Vegan Australia and Vegan Easy

To: Prime Minister Scott Morrison <scott.morrison.mp@aph.gov.au>

Cc: Environment Minister Sussan Ley, Matthew Canavan Deputy Leader of The Nationals

Subject: Join the Vegan Easy November Challenge to help fix the climate crisis


Dear Prime Minister,

As you know, animal agriculture is one of the most damaging sources of greenhouse gas emissions and causes of deforestation. Climate scientists inform us that to avoid climate catastrophe we need to take swift and meaningful actions to address emissions from animal agriculture, as well as fossil fuels and other sources.

We are pleased to see that you will be attending the COP26 climate conference commencing this Sunday. An international event of this significance will be a fantastic opportunity for you to show not only your government’s, but your personal commitment to creating a better world for current and future generations.

COP26 has announced that plant-based dishes will dominate the menu for the event. The carbon footprint for each menu item will also be displayed. We encourage you to make climate-friendly choices by opting for plant-based meals while at the conference.

We also urge you to continue to maintain a plant-based lifestyle throughout November by joining the free Vegan Easy 30 Day Challenge for World Vegan Month. Visit www.veganeasy.org/challenge to sign up to receive helpful resources, support and dietitian-approved advice to guide you to a compassionate, environmentally-friendly and healthful way of life. You could even ask your family to join you. Taking up a new habit can be easier when the whole family tries it together.

It’s not too late to inform your airline of your updated catering requirements to enjoy a more climate-friendly flight to Glasgow. Will you commit to joining the multitude of other participants on the Vegan Easy November Challenge?

Will you accept our invitation and be part of the solution by fighting climate change with diet change?

Most respectfully,

Greg McFarlane

Vegan Australia

Lefki Pavlidis

Vegan Easy


P.S. We have attached the Vegan Easy booklet for your interest. You will find information on the environmental benefits of a plant-based diet on pages 16-17.


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