November 2023 Vegan Easy Challenge Recap

Published 11 January 2024

People from around the world gave vegan a go during World Vegan Month in November.

Image – Vegan Easy’s Happy Earth showing the reasons why people signed up for the November Challenge: 41% for health/fitness, 38% for the animals, 8% for the environment, 13% other reasons.

The annual November Vegan Easy Challenge during World Vegan Month attracted people from across Australia and around the globe to give vegan a go!

59% of Challengers were from Australia, 18% from the United States, 4% from Canada, another 4% from New Zealand, we also had sign-ups from the United Kingdom, South Africa, Mexico, Malaysia, India, the Netherlands, Germany, Greece and more.

Feedback from November Challengers

It’s always a pleasure to play a role in people’s vegan journeys and we’re grateful for the opportunity to support and guide participants of the November Challenge.

Here’s what they had to say about their experience:

“This was life changing, so supportive and lovely and a great way to stay motivated and informed. I’m a very happy new vegan. I feel so much happier and content.”
– Elisha S, NSW Australia

“It was a great opportunity to learn new recipes, learn all the beneficial properties of vegan nutrition, meet like-minded people, I am very pleased. Thank you all very much!”
– Ollie M, TAS Australia

“Really loved challenging my choices during a month when in the United States we are super food focused.”
– Kate W, USA

“I joined the November Challenge – my first vegan experience. And I LOVED it! So much easier than I was expecting. I’ve seen changes (positive) in my health… psoriasis is cleared up, more energy. I even spent less at the grocery store.”
– Lynn E, Germany

“The challenge refreshed my focus on getting more variety into my diet. I’m better informed as to the degree of animal exploitation involved in the agricultural industry. The recipes were very easy and delicious.”
– Lynda M, SA Australia

“I was vegetarian for over 5 years and had the cheese love hate relationship going.  So finally I found a reason to really give up all dairy by doing the November Challenge.   I can now positively say that I’m cured from all savage cravings, haha.”
– Amanda R, South Africa

“I loved being part of this community, it helped me stay on track and know I am doing the right thing. I was already vegan but this helped me so much to help other family members learn more and be able to talk to friends about why I am vegan with the information provided. It gave me more confidence to speak to others and share my diet choices.”
– Linda D, VIC Australia

Media and World Vegan Day Event

Nadia Fragnito (The Vegan Italian Kitchen) and Zacchary Bird gave fun and informative cooking demonstrations

We’re grateful to Fire & Tea for featuring our November Challenge and World Vegan Day event via an interview with Nadia Fragnito of The Vegan Italian Kitchen.

Nadia was one of our special guest cooking demonstrators at the World Vegan Day event, held at Vegie Tribe in Melbourne’s CBD. She taught everyone how to make beefless tortellini paired with a simple pomodoro sauce.

Award-winning cookbook author Zacchary Bird was our other special guest who showed us how to make koeksisters or South African braided donuts.

It was a fun and memorable occasion. Zac and Nadia’s interactive demos were loved by all, especially when we all got to try what they made! Many thanks to our co-hosts and charity partner, Vegan Australia. View highlights from our WVD event.

Prizes / Giveaways

Throughout October and November we gave away over $1,700 worth of prizes to lucky winners via Vegan Easy and Vegan Australia social media. Our thanks to the various businesses who generously donated the gifts:

  • Why Meat Co
    • 2 x Yummer prize pack ($600) – each pack includes 26 packs of 750g mini potato cakes/scallops and covers supply for over 3 months
  • Plant Forged Physique
    • 1 x Vegan Starter Kit ($300) – 1 x Newtrition Co Organic Vegan Protein Powder 1kg, 1 x VPA Australia Creatine 1kg, 1 x CLIF Builders Bar, 1 x Switch Nutrition Snack Bar, 1 x Macro Mike Protein Water
  • Zacchary Bird
    • 5 x The Vegan Baker cookbook ($50ea, total $250)
  • Loving Hut Melbourne
    • 2 x $100 vouchers ($200) for a full Asian-inspired dining experience
  • Herbidoor
    • 1 x $150 gift voucher for delicious vegan, home delivered meals
  • Velvety
    • 1 x EcoWings Recycled Vegan Backpack ($119)
  • Tully’z
    • 1 x $100 online gift voucher

We also had fabulous raffle prizes at the WVD event, donated by the following:

Plus, there was the awesome end-of-Challenge prize! A $150 gift card redeemable at Five Vegans online store.

End of Challenge Winner

CONGRATULATIONS to the end-of-Challenge prize winner who successfully completed the 30 vegan days!

Prize Winner: Jane E from Western Australia

Jane was an omnivore before starting the Vegan Easy Challenge and now calls herself a new vegan! She found the online support group and daily emails very helpful throughout the 30 days:

“I loved it and it showed me that it was so much easier and cheaper than I thought. A cruelty-free lifestyle is how I want to live my life from now on!” – Jane E.

Well done to all the November Challengers. We are grateful for your efforts to make the world a kinder place.

November Challenge in Figures

1 Reason for taking the Challenge

38% for animal rights, 41% health and fitness, 8% the environment,13% specified other reasons.

2 Gender

84% of Challengers identified as female, 13% male, and 3% preferred not to reveal their gender. This breakdown is similar to that reflected overall each year in the Challenge with around 80% female to 20% male participants on average.

3 Diet before the November Challenge

36% omnivores, 22% vegetarian (eggs included), 18% vegan, 10% pescatarian, 7% new vegans (less than 12 weeks), 5% other (most included meat), 2% lacto-vegetarian (no eggs).

4 Will you remain vegan after the Challenge?

Out of the participants who submitted the end of Challenge survey, 92% successfully completed the 30-day Challenge, 65% said they would remain vegan, while some said they will continue moving towards a vegan lifestyle at their pace and others are now more open to implementing a kinder way of living.

We also asked the following questions on the End of Challenge survey form:

a How did you find preparing/cooking vegan meals for yourself?

Very easy 46%, Simple 30%, Ok 22%, Challenging 3%

b How did you find buying vegan food?

Very easy 43%, Simple 27%, Ok 14%, Challenging 16%

Many thanks to all who participated in the November Challenge. May you inspire others towards the path of kindness.

The free Vegan Easy Challenge is available all year round. If you’d like to give vegan a go, sign up here:

Take the Challenge

The 2023 November Vegan Easy Challenge was brought to you by:


Special thanks to all the wonderful businesses, organisations and partners who supported the 2023 November Challenge:



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