Make a Fresh Start: Take the 30 Day Vegan Easy Challenge!

Published 24 December 2020

Make a fresh start in 2021 by taking the 30 Day Vegan Easy Challenge and do a world of good!

Take the Vegan Easy 30 Day Challenge now!

Vegan Easy is Australia’s longest running 30-day vegan challenge. For over a decade the program has been helping people from all walks of life transition to kinder living.

It’s free to sign up at and participants receive tips and practical guidance via the new and improved daily emails, designed to make it even easier for people to successfully complete the Challenge and remain vegan. They can also receive support through a Facebook group, and have access to a 30-day meal plan approved by Dr. Amanda Benham, APD, as well as other online resources, including hundreds of recipes, nutrition information, a guide to meal planning, an eating out directory and more.

A vegan lifestyle offers many benefits including better health, saving the lives of many animals and marine life, is a proven way to decrease your eco-footprint, and reduces the risk of zoonotic diseases with epidemic and pandemic potential.

“Going vegan could not only lower your risk of severe Covid-19, if enough of us do it, it could lower the risk of future pandemics.”

– Dr. Justine Butler, Senior Researcher and Writer at Viva!Health


Being vegan for 30 days, you could save:

  • nearly 125,000 litres of water (equivalent to 930 full bathtubs of water)
  • 543kg of grain
  • 90 sq m of forest
  • 270kg of CO2 (equivalent to taking 30 cars off the road, each travel 50km/day)
  • 30 animals

“With so many benefits, the only thing vegans regret is not having made the switch sooner. From affording yourself greater protection from chronic diseases, limiting the impact of runaway antibiotic resistance and environmental degradation due to animal agriculture, not to mention saving the lives of hundreds of animals and marine life – each plant-based person makes a big positive ripple with their dietary choices.”

 Lucy Stegley, Board Director, Health Campaign Lead at Vegan Australia


After a year of long lockdowns and quarantine, isn’t it time for a fresh start?

If you’d like to switch to vegan, sign up for our free 30 Day Vegan Easy Challenge at

Encourage your family and friends to join with you, and together we can do a world of good!


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