Beyoncé and Jay-Z are encouraging fans to go vegan — and people are having a field day

Published 9 January 2019

“We used to think of health as a diet – some worked for us, some didn’t. Once we looked at health as the truth, instead of a diet, it became a mission for us to share that truth and lifestyle with as many people as possible.”

Beyoncé and Jay-Z encouraged fans to embrace a plant-based diet and people are having a field day online.

The couple wrote the introduction to a book titled “The Greenprint: Plant-Based Diet, Best Body, Better World,” which was released by their personal trainer, Marco Borges, on December 31, 2018. In it, Beyoncé and Jay-Z explained their personal connection to a healthy lifestyle.

“Having children has changed our lives more than anything else,” they wrote in the foreward. “We used to think of health as a diet – some worked for us, some didn’t. Once we looked at health as the truth, instead of a diet, it became a mission for us to share that truth and lifestyle with as many people as possible.”

The parents of three – Blue Ivy, Rumi, and Sir – added that they’re “not about promoting any one way of living your life,” but recommend that people include plant-based meals into their daily routines.

After fans caught wind of the suggestion, they took to Twitter to share their thoughts.

Many people felt that the award-winning musicians can afford to purchase healthy products, while many have lower incomes or might not have the accessibility.

Read the comments from fans in the original article here

Original article written by Olivia Singh at The Business Insiders

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