Published 13 November 2022
As part of the November Vegan Easy Challenge Plant Forged Physique is giving away 5 x FREE 60-minute health consultations, valued at $180AUD ea, with accredited sports nutritionist Caitlin Adler.
For your chance to WIN one of five FREE health consults all you need to do is:
? post photos of the recipes you make or adapt from any of the new health/fitness meal plans on either Instagram, Facebook or abillion
? tag us/use the hashtags below so we see them:
abillion: #veganeasychallenge #plantforgedphysique
Instagram: @veganeasy @plantforgedphysique
Facebook: @VeganEasy @PlantForgedPhysique
? post as many times as you like during November and we’ll choose the winners in early December
✨The consultations can be done online so anyone in the world can enter this competition!✨
About the consultations: During each consultation, Caitlin will help evaluate where you’re currently at with your health, fitness and nutrition goals and outline a unique initial plan of action to achieve them.
Get cooking and GOOD LUCK! ? ?
Discover five essential tips for transitioning to a vegan lifestyle with ease, including meal planning, pantry essentials, and finding supportive communities.
In celebration of World Vegan Month, the November 2024 Vegan Easy Challenge saw participants from around the world exploring the transformative benefits of a plant-based diet and vegan living.
How early humans thrived on carbs to develop smarter brains.
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