Thankfully, most of the common cravings we experience are already vegan. Even if they aren’t, it’s so easy to alter them! When it comes to variety and the availability of vegan alternatives, we are spoiled for choice. Not only are there so many different vegan products on the market, they are often sold at standard supermarkets and there are many different brands to suit everyone’s palate. It is always possible to come up with a vegan substitute with a little careful thought and preparation.
Alternatives to common non-vegan staples like…
Don’t forget to look at online vegan stores. The convenience of online shopping and home delivery means speciality foods that may be in hard-to-get-to places are available with just the click of a mouse.
If none of it is helping, take a trip to a farm animal sanctuary and remind yourself of why you became vegan.
Watch a documentary or read a book about animal rights. Go to a protest or join an animal rights group and help out for a day. Reminding yourself of the reasons you choose not to eat animals may help you control your cravings.
If you are concerned that your cravings are stemming from inadequate nutrition, you can visit your GP for a quick blood test to put yourself at ease.
In difficult times it may help to remember that your pregnancy and cravings are only a temporary state that will pass.
One of the challenges we face when transitioning to living as a vegan is navigating the relationships with those we hold close. Unfortunately just because our family loves us, doesn’t necessarily mean that they are going to make the same connections that we have made between the food we eat and the animals that we care about. Sadly, they may never become vegans themselves.
It is important to keep supporting your teenager throughout their high school years, now that they are becoming more independent they can start advocating for veganism themselves.
There are a few important things you can do to help your vegan child begin their kindergarten or primary school years stress free.
Speak to children about veganism and animal rights with the view that their perspective will be to become empowered to create positive change.
Don’t panic.
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