A way forward: Helping farmers transition to plant farming

Published 1 February 2023

New organisation helps farmers transition out of animal farming.

A way forward: Helping farmers transition to plant farming

A new and innovative Australian non-profit organisation is offering free business support services to animal-based farmers wanting to transition to future-focused plant-based farming and other sustainable forms of business.

Farm Transitions Australia is the first organisation of its kind in the country. Founder and director Krystal Camilleri said the registered non-profit will work with farmers at every stage of the farm transition process.

“Farm Transitions Australia works with farmers to understand viable options for transitioning their farms, taking into account location, climate and resources, their goals and their families’ goals, as well as potential supply chains we can connect into,” Ms Camilleri said.

“It’s undeniable… the future of farming is plant-based”

The Australian farming industry is experiencing unprecedented change, due to rising operational costs, changing consumer demands, labour shortages, abnormal weather patterns and climate change pressures. Ms Camilleri says this presents significant opportunity to promote plant-based agriculture.

“I espouse a vegan lifestyle and can easily make a case for plant-based living. Beyond that though, there is an incredibly strong business case for transitioning to plant-focused farming.”

According to Statista, in 2019 42 per cent of Australians were eating less or no meat at all. Synthetic milks are well in-development, expected to hit our shelves in 2024 and reduce demand for dairy milk by 70 per cent by 2030.

Australia is the third-fastest growing plant-based market in the world. The plant-based sector in Australia is expected to be worth between $3 billion and $9 billion by 2030.

above: Chart from Farm Transitions Australia

“It’s undeniable, from every angle – the future of farming is plant-based,” Ms Camilleri said. “Farm Transitions Australia exists to help Australians realise that future.”

Ms Camilleri is also the founder of Companion Cows, a non-profit organisation dedicated to rescuing bobby calves from slaughter and rehoming them as companion animals.

Farm Transitions Australia is welcoming farmers to get in contact to initiate the transition process and industry experts willing to volunteer services to the cause, including agronomists, economists, business planners, grant writers, psychologists and counsellors.

More information about Farm Transitions Australia is at farmtransitionsaustralia.org


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