Ambassadors – 2021 November Vegan Easy Challenge

Meet the kind, caring and inspirational individuals supporting the November Challenge.

Dr. Despina Handolias

Medical Oncologist, Founder of Vegan Oncologist

“I support the Vegan Easy Challenge because shifting toward a healthful plant-based lifestyle will be transformative for the health of individuals and the healthcare system. Veganism also embodies the philosophy of compassion and kindness which is fundamental to the practice of good medicine and to becoming more conscious human beings.”

Gabrielle Scollay

Founder of Sustainably Gabrielle, Indigenous mama, Conscious living blogger

“Becoming a vegan is not about restriction – it’s about sustainable, healthy living, with love and equal respect for our planet and all living beings.”

Izzi Batt-Doyle

Olympic athlete, Co-founder of and Coach at RunAsOne

“Being vegan to me is about living a life where I make positive choices for my health, the environment, and all of the animals on our planet! I’m supporting the November Challenge as I want to encourage people to eat more plants and give a plant-based diet a go, and I want to show others that you can fuel as an athlete on a vegan diet. I am inspired by people who show courage and vulnerability, chase big dreams, and challenge the status quo of what’s ‘normal’!”

Liz Douglas

Founder of Vegan Diaries, lifestyle blogger and podcaster

“Growing up with many pets, I’ve always loved animals and finally realised two years ago that the best way to express that love was by going vegan. My goal is to demystify veganism by sharing recipes, experiences and connecting with others via social media and the Vegan Diaries podcast.”

Nadia Fragnito

Vegan Italian recipe creator and cookbook author of ‘Discovering Vegan Italian’

“Vegan food is the most delicious of all cuisines – the flavours and the compassion that comes with it. We can all honour our traditions, our heritage AND be vegan at the same time.”

Zacchary Bird

Vegan chef extraordinaire, recipe developer and author of the cookbooks ‘Vegan Junk Food’ & ’The Vegan Butcher’

“The meat industry does not have the monopoly on a flavour, texture or shape so plant based meats are a great way to show off that you can make absolutely anything you dream of vegan.”